For fellow creative peers:
Wondering often what would happen out there in America if The Creative Class (the new working class, 40-50 million of us) had unions & bargaining bosses (aka, mobsters) to stand up to business, public charity and government scumbags who abuse grants, funding and tax payers in as many indirect ways as they handle to hide amongst their friends and projects that they rarely lift a finger to produce but take all the credit.
Fuck y’all, ponies, scumbags and amateurs.
Government needs to leave us alone with their creative class community project plans until we have the proper defense and representation. There’s a pillaging of talented pilgrims for charity services needed for economic & community rehabilitation in post-industrial cities like mine going on- it reeks of pig sh!t. Greedy, capitalist, pig sh!t.
If fellow Creative Class peers are so inclined to help the system when approached by tax-payer funded organization ‘agents’ with nice smiles, deep pocket promises and something like “we want to reinstall an appreciation of the arts in the community, show off our city’s talent”, be warned. Don’t expect the system to hand you anything once you’ve wasted time and efforts on their politco-marketing agendas. You will receive nothing. Not a tax exemption, not a thank you. Ask yourself, “How will this help my business and name in the community?” Most likely, not at all.
The Creative Class need be warned. Spend your time helping the right people, fellow peers– and if you’re swimming in pig sh!t, expect to get caught choking on your own stink at some point because they have the representation, unions, back door defendants with deep pockets and legal weapons– and we don’t.
Small claims court–and possibly hiring a lawyer to waste more time and money–are too expensive for many of us. The system knows this. Time is money and the system is setup to waste our time. When we’re on the receiving end of needing legal help with fighting corrupt business and government ethics, our services and labor are rendered as being worth nothing. When you and your work are treated as being worth nothing by these greedy scumbags, remember that you are worth nothing to the law. They’re all tied together by the dollar.
Think about it–those in charge need the artists’ help?
To think that business and government finally need our help at this point in post-industrial economic disaster zone cities is offensive.
To think that business and government expect us to carry a decent attitude and willingness to support their community based, bull-sh!t marketing causes on behalf of “bettering and rehabilitating the community” with them (while back-door political agendas fester) is offensive, too.
The Creative Class exists as it is because we created it from nothing. No jobs, no benefits, nothing. We did this on our own, our rules, our ways, our ideas, our time, our efforts, for very good reasons. They created us by not supporting us to begin with, by protecting their own interests and hiring the cheapest, most inexperienced labor that could find. However, there is more of us than there are of them. This is a problem that privileged, powerful authoritative figures did not foresee during the days of mergers and outsourcing. We are in charge.
All of the information we need to doubt those in charge is before us in this country; see the patterns of corruption, deception, possession, outsourcing and sweet nothings we’ve been promised in exchange for our time and efforts to produce something of value. We are valuable, they are expendable and they know it!
They feel outnumbered by us, they know it, and they know they can get away with using us whenever they because we have no unions, no protection and little cash flow. We are a sleeping shark inside of a whale and that worries the scumbags in Bergner’s suits. We own the power to dictate how and when we will help privileged mother fuckers with the pillaging of services and talents of others.
Government gets paid to lead new innovations with business leaders, and to fix decades of mistakes that are worth as much as a pig sh!t mud slide that was created primarily out of greed, deception and corrupt behaviors to protect their own little piggies. They work together to infect everyone else. They are the virus destroying our American economy, cities and communities that rely on jobs and healthy cash flow. There’s a layer to capitalism that practices & protects each entity regardless of their awful ethics and practices for the power of profit, the ownership of more spread thin amongst the very few privileged people in each of our communities. The distribution of wealth is not healthy, people, and The Creative Class possesses all of the answers they need to fix it.
Let’s look at an unhealthy cash flow problem: The Creative Class rarely gets paid on time– government and business leaders do. They have their guarantees with each other, many in the public sectors have unions to fight for rightful practices. Our bills are due the same day as everyone else, remember that, but the biggest difference is that the scumbags’ payments to creditors are on time and our’s generally aren’t because we wait for them to cut a check to mail to us when they feel like it. I am living proof of multiple negligences conducted towards me with not paying me on time for labor produced months in advance. Scumbags rule my town.
America’s post-industrial cities along with each community, the working class, have been infected by what they’ve created for decades. They expect us to bend over now and to help them rebuild America because we have nothing to protect us– but we do. We have 40-50 million voices and we have very simple words to use, to dictate the future on our terms. It should be evident by now that no one within business and government is out for The Creative Class’s best interests or the future of our friends, families, health, prosperity and whatever there is to be while we’re here in the human mold. We can dictate the future if we stand together, or we can let them continue as is because they’re doing such a great f#$king job dangling rotten carrots in our collective face to work for.
It starts with the power of “no thank you“, or if that’s not understood, a “go f*$k yourself” works pretty well. Simple powerful words for us to use for free. It’s not much, but it’s a start.
It takes all of us rising in The Creative Class to recognize what’s going on in post-industrial cities like mine. I am not fooled by what is going on, so please, let’s protect the peers we can with our words before 40-50 million of us end up choking on our own stench from helping a corrupt system that didn’t expect to inadvertently create us to begin with. Thank you for your mistakes, scumbags, it’s been ours to gain the better of.
Rockford, Illinois, artists: I am disgusted with most of you. You will choke on the carrots.
[box type=”note” border=”full”]Read this book by Richard Florida about The Creative Class.[/box]
3 comments on "Letter To The Creative Class"
As you pretty much have the relationship dynamics between those in the Creative Class and those outside out of it down, I’m not going to comment on that. However, I do want to say the dynamics between the majority members within this class ironically resembles this sentence you wrote: “Government gets paid to lead new innovations with business leaders, and to fix decades of mistakes, pig sh!t mud slides that each created primarily out of greed, deception, and corrupt behaviors. They work together to infect everyone else.” The almighty dollar dictates the actions and attitudes of these members too. As you said the penny wager promises and political wind has planted its seeds long ago. People do not create for free anymore, do not problem-solve for free anymore, do not share the fruits of their knowledge with others for free anymore…and I as everyone have bills to pay and mouths to feed as well…but once the dollar dictates the creative process, the war has already been lost. The dollar then not only dictates our creative process but HOW WE THINK. Creativity is not what great illustrations we can draw, or how great we can write…it’s really in the mindset, creativity lies in the mindset. In using intelligence creatively…seeking it out, absorbing it, applying it, sharing it, surrounding yourself with others operating in the same manner. But this doesn’t happen. Because we sadly do not interact anymore. We do not listen to each other, we do not give each other the time of day to start a discussion or foster a connection. UNLESS that connection will yield a few cents or some backscratching down the road. And they call this being a “creative”? Abhor not the word but the implication and “position” it entitles someone. Imaginary entitlement. People always figure out a way to bastardize ideals and whorify unity. The unity of this “class” is already corrupt. SOLD OUT is more the gist. And whilst many are true in holding to the ideal and do not give in to the cocksure popularity game or slowly lick and run their fingers through the crack of “FAME!”, even one gone rogue and gutted by gluttony is few too many. It’s like cancer…it spreads to the other cells and overtakes the system. Obliterates the mind with the punch of a cancerous revolution…not progress. Supposedly the creative inspire and inspire others into action or whatever and this leads to a dynamic environment to live in and then will further make economic growth??? Yes, I suppose the creative can inspire by dangling shiny toys of false reassurance for a little while whilst being patted on the ass by officials and coaxing the blind dollar or two from the audience….but inspiring lasting change and actually causing a tectonic shift to the “culture” we are shaping is a job well done, for free, without post office stamps and invoice print outs. If we have to be paid to think, and think RIGHT, and think FORWARD, and think TOGETHER…then this is not a class that can dictate a future. As you have said, they made us. The apple indeed does not fall far from the tree. Fix this first, and then worry about fixing the corruption of those from the outside slapping us around and stealing our candy. Applesauce, baby, applesauce. p.s. My milkshake brings all the boys to the yard. Sincerely, B.F.W.
I just saw this, strangely… as well as a few more comments on this site I’ve ignored. My apologies. I have to agree with this statement you said and offer a comment:
“Creativity is not what great illustrations we can draw, or how great we can write…it’s really in the mindset, creativity lies in the mindset. In using intelligence creatively…seeking it out, absorbing it, applying it, sharing it, surrounding yourself with others operating in the same manner. But this doesn’t happen. Because we sadly do not interact anymore. We do not listen to each other, we do not give each other the time of day to start a discussion or foster a connection. UNLESS that connection will yield a few cents or some backscratching down the road. And they call this being a “creative”? Abhor not the word but the implication and “position” it entitles someone. Imaginary entitlement. People always figure out a way to bastardize ideals and whorify unity.”
The ideas that arrive and where they lead have always been more important to me than the end product, results. I let each idea–good or bad–go where the muse wants to and in many cases it costs me friendships because the other end is not listening or thinking beyond their shell. Many friendships lost due to ideas and where the muse goes. I could care less about the end results (illustrations, songs, photos, writings etc.) or their reception, critique, because I have another idea to follow at that point. As long as I’ve conveyed something–even if that something is rooted in deeper nothings–good or bad, and haven’t ended up in someone else’s gray area of indifference. The idea is passed on. No one is allowed to feel indifference but the creator in the end and if that’s not the case, the artist has failed.
As for the government and party politics whilst taking into account current events, they could care less about people anymore let alone the rising Creative Class. They need to worry about chaos, entropy and internal extremism–another revolution, albeit a social class one–at this point. They are not listening and if they are, they’re stalking you, me, everyone–the wrong people. Greed and corruption prevents them from behaving for the people versus their party’s ideals or own ideas.
Also, what does B.F.W. mean?