Mid-January 2012: The Pimps, Miles Nielsen, Lizard Skynard, Micky Rosenquist, The Midwest Sound

Late 2011 into early 2012 saw a few projects for a few artists, The PimpsMiles Nielsen, Lizard Skynard, Micky Rosenquist, and new recording studio, The Midwest Sound.  See below.

{A few items were printed by Pirate Ninja Print Shop in Rockford, IL.  Some for The Pimps were for sale and sold out on the band’s website.  Micky’s photo was provided by Mike Graham.  The Pimps’ “Mona Meerasaké” rips off da Vinci’s Mona Lisa.  The band does not endorse this image but the venue and I, the creator who destroyed the Mona Lisa, does.  The rest of the imagery I cut up and paste together to make new creatures that Mr. Jason ‘Mossy’ Vaughn helped inspire.  They are all stolen from various books that many of you will never read anyway because everything I create is inspired by unoriginal low-hanging fruits & vegetables.}

Mid-January 2012: The Pimps, Miles Nielsen, Lizard Skynard, Micky Rosenquist, The Midwest SoundAndy Whorehall